First of all, we seek to limit the rise of conflicts with a general climate favoring a serene debate that allows everyone to express themselves.
To foster this democratic and serene environment, we attach great importance to the communication that we search to optimize continuously with different tools. We use Borigo, a Danish co-ownership communication platform that allows us to inform the entire community about meetings, ongoing projects in different work groups and settlements, and to share equipment. Google Calendar is also very useful and accessible for car sharing groups in particular. In addition to the public opening of all the meetings, these tools have the advantage of giving a strong transparency to the internal communication, transparency partly dependent on the Danish culture but intentionally fostered here. In the same way, in order to limit the taking of responsibilities by single persons, controls are encouraged, which is a Danish culture feature with a propensity to leave individuals a strong freedom accompanied by numerous controls.
Moreover, the creation of small groups in which a climate of trust and security is established promotes exchange and facilitates individual speaking. The concept of "feeling of security", understood as the result of acceptance, integration, tolerance and respect for the individual by others, is very important in Denmark and especially in the ecovillage within small groups to promote cohesion.
The remarks made to the ideas are well-received because it is admitted that they are not made against the person who pioneered it but in the interest of the project and as a proof of divergences of interests within the community that it is necessary to consider for the collective good. In addition, after the reflection on a project, a group is formed around those who have carried it, building in that way a group identity essential to defend it in front of the rest of the community or external stakeholders. We can also note that, culturally, the Danes seek to temporize the exchanges, to place themselves in comprehensible and empathetic postures and do not seek the competition. Thus, authoritarianism has no place.
Finally, what promotes even better interpersonal relationships in community projects is the good general climate fostered by the meals taken together and the festivities and events internal to the ecovillage, which, in addition to allowing people to know each other and take care of each other, are moments of informal exchanges on the various projects led by the community.
Another factor in good interpersonal relationships is how decision-making works. Informal unanimity is essential for launching any project. And only those who want to take part do it. The place of volunteering is central within the ecovillage allowing everyone to measure their individual interests and disinterests in taking part in a project and from there to make a choice that will not be judged by the rest of the community. Thus, everyone is free to invest or not, and we note in particular that the investment for the community varies according to the periods of life and that this allows everyone to be more motivated in the projects accomplished as they have been chosen.
Nevertheless, when the communication seemed to be blocked, we have ever used the skills of professionals during seminars.
The essence of Hjortsoj's ecovillage is to give a vision and not rules, which seems to us to be essential for the individual fulfillment of its members and for the proper functioning of the community.